Welcome to my blog. This is my first ever post and I’ll be going over what you can expect on here and how to navigate the site.


This will be a personal work where I outline interesting projects, small guides and other little quirks. The content will be mainly based around CS-related subjects as well as some interesting mathematical concepts.

As any other blog this one has three components: The home page, where you will get a rough overview of the blog, the about page, where you get to find out more about this blog as well as about me and last but not least the Posts page where all of my posts will be listed.

What is this ‘Polyring’?

Polyring is a webring made by JulianXY. This webring links to like-minded CS students that are currently studying at ETH too. By clicking next you get to the next blog in the ring, where you’ll find yet another polyring. This is a great way to discover new high-quality blogs.

To finish this up, I hope that you, whoever decides to visit this, have a good time and if yout noticed something unsettling or want to contact me, you’ll find my details on the homepage. Thanks for dropping by :)